In 2013, the employee of the "Chemicals for Drilling and Production" Business Unit (LLC "Industrial Chemistry") - PhD of Technology Sciences Fatkhutdinov Islamnur Khasanovich - developed 5 gypsum-lime systems of Algypo ™ drilling muds, widely used in the Ural-Volga and Eastern Siberia . About 100 wells washing programs have been prepared on their basis for various oil fields in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
With the use of 5 gypsum-lime systems of Algypo ™ drilling mud service support for 39 wells is successfully provided
Algypo ™ drilling mud was applied by BIT LLC "AzTecDrilling" which provided service support on 22 bitumen horizontal wells.
Using the developed systems, service support was provided at 39 wells
During the drilling of the well bore, the author's supervision and technological support were provided. In 2017, having a successful experience in this efficient drilling fluids program, it is planned to drill 3 more wells in Verkhne-Ulkansky license block
Under the technical assignment of LLC "Nafta-Service", an effective cement slurry composition has been developed to solve the channeling problem on a large number of wells that were undergoing workover right after start of production. Based on data on well construction, geology, work plan for cementing wells, a list of cementing fleet techniques the following solution was developed:
After coordinating the work plan with the customer, the customer's personnel had the training course taking into account the specifics of the work with the application of cementing chemistry.
The confirmation of the offered solution effectiveness was received. The number of wellbore leakages in wells cemented using the offered recipe and cementing technology developed by the specialists of the BE "Chemicals for drilling and production" decreased significantly. The customer accepted the offered solutions for permanent use